Documentary | Feature Film
mazônia INC talks about how a people who live sustainably with the forest try to play by the rules of international capital. All the magnitude and strength of the Amazon ripped in half to build a road. With the aim of regional integration, a crack was opened that became the backbone of deforestation and death in the middle of the State of Pará. What is behind the preached need to occupy the largest living forest in the world, where for millennia its inhabitants have already run vital risk to defend it? While corporate socio-environmental responsibility is discussed, the bitter taste of invasion, threats and land grabbing is tasted on the land. Indigenous people, riverside dwellers and quilombolas will discover that they are being deceived once again by the government and private initiative, as has been happening for 500 years. They decide to seek justice with their own resources and in different places they begin to organize themselves into collective legal entities to demand respect for their lands and lives.

FICA - 2017
Special exhibition selection at FICA - 2017 - International Environmental Film Festival (Goiás Velho).

World Humanitarian Awards
It was awarded at the World Humanitarian Awards – July/2017.

Scapcine Brazilian Film Festival
Best Documentary | Scapcine Brazilian Film Festival – December/2017.